Liebster Award

After only one month of blogging adventures, I am super excited to share that making it in the mountains has been nominated for a Liebster Award by the lovely Nicole B at Meet the B’s!!!!  Thank you SO much Nicole!!!

Upon receiving my Liebster Award, I’ll admit I had to google what exactly this meant.  In my quick search, I didn’t really come across any official rules, but it seems the award was created to help recognize and connect new bloggers.  The Liebster Award is doled out to new bloggers by new bloggers.

Since it seems we’re all pretty new at this, I’ll lay out the rules as I understand them:
– answer the questions you were given
– keep the ball rolling and nominate 11 NEW blogs with 500 followers or less (I have no idea how to know for sure, so I tried to stick to blogs that have only been around a year or less)
– post 11 questions for your nominees to answer
– tag your nominees and be sure to leave a comment on their blog to let them know they’ve been nominated

Here are the questions Nicole asked me:

1.  How long have you been blogging?  I wrote my first making it in the mountains post on February 13, 2014, which means I’ve been blogging for 42 days!

2.  What made you decide to start blogging?  There are really SO many answers to this question!  I guess it all stems from my love of reading other blogs – I have learned a ton and really, there isn’t any part of my life that hasn’t been touched, changed or inspired by something I’ve read.  After buying our first house and planning ways to make it our own, I realized that other people may actually be interested in following along with our journey just as I have enjoyed following so many other’s.

3.  What is your favorite blog to read and what draws you to them?  I have SO, SO, SO many favorites, but the one I absolutely can’t miss at the moment is Liz Marie Blog.  She always has something fun and fabulous to share and her readers can’t help but be inspired!

4.  What is your decorating style?  I think this is something I’m still working out, but thanks to pinterest and so many fantastic blogs, I am never short on inspiration.  Perhaps it’s fueled by living in the mountains, but I tend to gravitate toward a rustic look.  My dream home would be filled with timber, linen and lots of white!

5.  What is your favorite colour?  I should probably start by saying that I am Canadian, hence the spelling of colour with a “u”.  Though I’m by no means a beachy sort of gal, the colour I am most drawn to is aqua.

6.  What type of food do you enjoy cooking the most?  I wouldn’t say I particularly love cooking, but I do however, LOVE eating!  Because my favorite food to eat is pasta, it is also my favorite to cook.

7.  Do you have any pets?  Tell us about them?  At the moment, no.  But, when we have a yard that isn’t a big pile of dirt, we can’t wait to have an athletic dog that can run, hike, bike and ski with us!!!

8.  What is your favorite room in your house and why?  This is another tough question for me to answer because I don’t really feel like we have a single room in our house that is done.  I guess the room I see the most potential in would be our master bedroom with it’s high ceilings that I can’t wait to cover with wood planks and lovely windows with amazing views!

9.  Describe yourself in three words.  Particular.  Passionate.  Sensitive.

10.  Does anyone in your personal life know that you blog?  The fact that this is even a question tells me that I am not the only one to keep this to myself.  Isn’t it interesting how much easier it is to share details about your life with a stranger than it is with someone close to you?!  I suppose for me, it’s mostly about proving to myself first that I have something to say that other people may think is worth reading 😉  The only person I know reading this blog is my Mom … Hi Mom!

11.  Where do you see your blog one year from now?  I can’t wait to have a record of my journey to look back on!  I would love to see a more pulled together look to my blog and hopefully some better photography.  Mostly though, I hope I have at least a small following of readers that find my posts not only worth reading, but maybe even inspiring!

Here are the questions for my nominees:

1.  How long have you been blogging?
2.  What made you decide to start your own blog?
3.  What is your favorite thing to write about?
4.  Do you have a day job in addition to blogging?
5.  If you could pick any other city to live in, where would it be?
6.  What’s your favorite blog?
7.  Does anyone in your personal life know that you blog?
8.  Where do you see your blog in one year?
9.  Three favorite online shopping websites.
10.  From who, what or where does your blogging inspiration come?
11.  What is the best thing about you?

And onto my favorite part … my nominees are:

The Projectory
Ruffled Republic
Granola and Whine
Thrifty Feast
Operation Home
My Knotted Life
Along Came Ollie
bre purposed

In the interest of creating and cultivating our community of new bloggers (and because it’s simply brilliant!), I’d like to continue with Nicole B’s idea to take things a bit further.  I hope that each of my 11 nominees will not only follow me, but will also check out and follow each other.  Lastly, if you choose to accept this nomination, please don’t forget to link back to this post!  Most importantly … HAVE FUN!!!

I’m SO happy that this came across my path – it’s given me the chance to discover some pretty fabulous blogs that I would have otherwise missed out on!

Have a great week!!!