Shopping for our Sectional

Oh boy, this is clearly going to be a process!  With SO many options and SO much money on the line, the two most indecisive people in the world are going to need some time, lots of time I’m sure, and probably a little help too.

Here’s what we know:  We like charcoal – something with a dark grey colour and some texture to it.  We are also quite sure that we want a “U” shape with two comfy corners to snuggle in.  Lastly, there is no question that we need the back cushions to be loose so that we can move and rearrange them into a comfy nest.

Here’s what we still need to decide:  Do we want a modern or traditional look?  Do we really need the massive sofa that I’m envisioning?  Will we need to spend a small fortune to get what we want?  Is it even smart to spend a small fortune when we will have kids that in all likelihood will wreak havoc on the poor thing?  We also need to figure out the layout of our space (apparently hubby and I have different visions of where everything will go – who knew?) – clearly this is key to figuring out the best configuration for the sofa.

Here’s what we found:  Living in a rural area doesn’t leave us with a ton of shopping options, but we did find one local store (and by local, I mean 1 hour away), Kootenai Moon Furniture, that we really liked.  They didn’t have much for us to see in the showroom, but they did look through some catalogs with us.  To be honest, I’m not sure that we could really purchase a sofa without actually sitting on it (how could we possibly be sure it would fill the role of big, comfy couch?), but judging solely on appearance, which seems to be our only available tool at the moment, we narrowed it down to two options both made by the same Canadian company.

The Jacob was the sofa that the store staff was most excited about, simply because of the sale price they could offer, which was about 1/2 the cost of the others that we looked at.  We liked that we could customize the configuration and fabric, but really didn’t care for the super wide arms.

The Harry had a look that suited our tastes better and offered the same options for customization, but was double the price.

I couldn’t of course take any photos of couches that weren’t there, but I did snap some pics of our favorite fabric options:

To be honest, I’m not sure that either of these is the perfect couch for us, but the experience certainly helped us to better understand what we are looking for and it was definitely fun to start looking 🙂  Looking forward to checking out what Kelowna and Spokane might have to offer next!

I’ll leave you with a photo of our little guy … clearly he had a long day of shopping too!
Carson Shopping | making it in the mountains